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Compute Frenet-Serret frames for a path of 3D points and tangents.

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npm install frenet-serret-frames


import frenetSerretFrames from "frenet-serret-frames";
import pathTangents from "path-tangents";

const isClosed = true;
const tangents = pathTangents(path, isClosed);
const frames = frenetSerretFrames(path, tangents, {
  closed: isClosed,
  initialNormal: [0, 1, 0],



frenetSerretFrames(points, tangents, [options])Array.<Frame>

Compute Frenet-Serret frames for a path of 3D points and tangents


vec3 : Array.<number>
Options : Object

Options for frames computation. All optional.

Frame : Object

frenetSerretFrames(points, tangents, [options]) ⇒ Array.<Frame>

Compute Frenet-Serret frames for a path of 3D points and tangents

Kind: global function
See: Frenet–Serret formulas

Param Type Default Description
points Array.<vec3> Array of 3D points [x, y, z].
tangents Array.<vec3> Array of 3D points [x, y, z] corresponding to the tangents of the path.
[options] Options {}

vec3 : Array.<number>

Kind: global typedef

Options : Object

Options for frames computation. All optional.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[closed] boolean false Specify is the path is closed.
[initialNormal] vec3 Specify a starting normal for the frames. Default to the direction of the minimum tangent component.

Frame : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
position vec3
normal vec3
binormal vec3
tangent vec3


MIT. See license file.